ponedeljek, 19. marec 2012

Black & White Nail Challenge - Day 7

Danes sem malo pozna. Ampak nisem pozabila, ne-ne. 7. dan izziva - črno-belo z bleščicami! Za osnovo sem uporabila dva že videna laka, Barry M črni odtenek in bel Depend. 
I'm a bit late today. But I didn't forget, no-no. 7th day of challenge is here black and white with glitters! As a base I've used two polishes you've already seen - Barry M Black and a white Depend. 

Barry M Black and white Depend

Za odtis packe sem uporabila Konad M21 šablono.
For a smudge I used Konad M21 plate.

Barry M Black and white Depend with Konad M21

Barry M Black and white Depend with Konad M21 

Barry M Black and white Depend with Konad M21 

Barry M Black and white Depend with Konad M21 
Upam, da krpice štejejo kot bleščice, ker je bilo to edino, kar sem si zamislila, ostale bleščice mislim, da niti ne bi pristajale tej manikuri. Dodala sem še Essence Waking Up in Vegas.
I hope flakies count as glitters, but they were the only thing I could imagine with this manicure, I didn't want to put any other glitters on. I've added Essence Waking Up in Vegas. 

Barry M Black, white Depend with Konad M21 & Essence Waking Up in Vegas

Barry M Black, white Depend with Konad M21 & Essence Waking Up in Vegas 

Barry M Black, white Depend with Konad M21 & Essence Waking Up in Vegas 

Barry M Black, white Depend with Konad M21 & Essence Waking Up in Vegas 
Kako se vam zdi? 
What do you think? 

12 komentarjev:

  1. Zelo dobro izgleda. Bi kar imela takale.

  2. That is such a cool idea. I really love how the mani turned out. :)

  3. thats beautiful! come do my nails please??? please????


    1. Thanks! :D Don't worry, when we'll come to Portugal I'll bring my stack of polishes haha :D

  4. Wow to pa je reeees fantastično :) zelo zelo mi je všeč, lepa zamisel in kombinacija, vse štima :)

  5. ugh, this makes me wish I had the skill to stamp! looks awesome!

    1. Thanks! :) It's not too hard to stamp, some practice makes it perfect ;)

  6. great, love it :-D
    i want that image plate :-)

    1. Thanks! :D
      It's a nice plate, that smudge is my fav :D

  7. obožujem tele packe :D super ideja, lepo izvedena :)


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