petek, 13. januar 2012

Misija Evrovizija

V nedeljo se je zaključila oddaja Misija Evrovizija, kjer smo izbirali našega predstavnika na naslednjem Evrosongu.
On Sunday Mission Eurovision ended, where we chose our representative for the next Eurosong.


Na poletne avdicije se je prijavilo 350 kandidatov, izmed katerih so sodniki (Raay, Darja Švajger, Tina Marinšek in Jonas) izbrali 32 najboljših.
In the summer auditions 350 candidates signed up, of which the judges (Raay, Darja Švajger, Tina Marinšek and Jonas) selected 32 best.

V prvih tednih so na oddajo izpadli 4 tekmovalci, dokler jih ni ostalo le še 8:
In the first weeks 4 competitors were out a week, until there remained only 8:
- Nika Zorjan
- Manuela Brečko
- Nika in Eva Prusnik
- Eva Boto
- Flora Ema Lotrič
- Gašper Rifelj
- Brina Vidic
- Nadja Irgolič.


Sledilo je izpadanje enega tekmovalca na oddajo.
Then there was the loss of one competitor per show.

V finalu so se tako znašle:
In the finals there were:
- Nika Zorjan
- Nika in Eva Prusnik
- Eva Boto.


Na Emo sta se po izboru sodnikov tako uvrstili:
By selection of the judges, at Ema, we will see:
- Nika in Eva Prusnik
- Eva Boto.  


Nika & Eva Prusnik:

Eva Boto:

We do not own any of the pictures in this blog post.

4 komentarji:

  1. wow, you do this so early! we wont choose ours until March...

    interesting names...actually Manuela is a portuguese name haha

    hmmmm either one is a step down from Maja Keuc, but I like the second one best =)


    1. This year things are totally different here. :D
      Eva really has a great voice, yeah. :)

  2. Meni je Eva boljša=) Najboljši pa mi je itak Klemen ;)


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